Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension

Criteria for Allotting Indira Gandhi National Widow Pension Scheme

  • 1. Applicant should be a widow/whose husband has been missing for an extended more than 7 Years
  • 2. Applicant should not be a remarried person.
  • 3. No person shall be eligible for the pension, if the person is in receipt of any other Social Welfare pensions.
  • 4. No person shall be eligible for the pension, if the person applied for any Social Welfare pensions.
  • 5. No one of their to look after him/her.
  • 6. No person shall be eligible if he/she resorts to habitual begging.
  • 7. Applicant is not eligible if the person is admitted to a poor home.
  • 8. Having a family annual income of or less than Rs.100000/-.
  • 9. Applied at the localbody where the person is residing.
  • 10. Applicant must be a destitute.

* Special Amount
i. Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension (75 Years Above) – Rs 1500
ii. Indira Gandhi National Disability Pension Scheme (Disability 80% Above) – Rs 1100